1. Stop smoking, because smoking is a major cause of lung cancer and is associated with a 30% incidence of other cancers.
2. Avoid sunlight. Excessive sun exposure causes skin damage and skin cancer.
3. Reduce the fat content in foods. Diets high in fat are directly associated with increased risk of colon cancer, prostate, and breast. Fatty foods will make easy fat body and an increased risk of uterine cancer, bladder cancer, breast cancer and cancer of the colon (large intestine).
4. Expand fiber foods. Wheat, rice, vegetables and fruits are a source of natural fiber which is very good and able to protect against colorectal cancers.
5. Reduce foods that are smoked, baked and preserved with nitrites. Esophagus and gastric cancer is often found in people who love to eat foods that are preserved with nitrites.
6. Choose foods that contain lots of vitamins A and C. Natural vitamins and essential substances contained in vegetables and fruit may protect against cancer esophagus, larynx, stomach and lung.
7. Eat more vegetables, the cabbage. Research shows that vegetables cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, bokchoy, and kale can protect against stomach cancer, kolorectal, and respiratory cancers.
8. Avoid alcoholic beverages because of significant potential to trigger liver cancer and stomach.
9. Self-examination regularly.
10. The pattern of a balanced life: adequate food and balanced nutrition, a balanced use of time between work, rest, recreation, sports, and worship.
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