Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tips for Eliminating Dandruff on your hair

The presence of dandruff is not expected to make hair look dirty and can also cause hair loss. dandruff caused by the growth of microorganisms on the skin of his head caused by the chemicals left behind when the use of shampoo or hair oil. Microorganisms are more fertile due to the scalp is too oily. Dandruff can also be caused due to fungus.

Another cause is due to someone experiencing inflammation of the skin disease psoriasis is so turn of the skin faster than normal, including on the scalp. This results in dandruff on the head. Other diseases are "seborrheic dermatitis" is skin inflammation that causes the appearance of scales on the scalp.

Eliminate Dandruff
Keep your scalp does not become too oily, for instance by shampooing regularly and use a hair oil to taste. After shampooing, get used to rinse the shampoo thoroughly. Do not forget to keep cleaning the comb, because the dirty comb a gathering place for the fungus.

Tips for Eliminating Dandruff:
  1. Consuming enough water is added again each day by consuming fruits and vegetables in sufficient quantities to help maintain healthy skin, including your scalp.
  2. To eliminate dandruff, you can also use a shampoo containing selenium sulfide or salicylic acid.
  3. Do not scratch your scalp, instead of removes dandruff, but rather because it can make the skin blisters and cause a secondary infection
  4. Use anti-dandruff shampoo on a regular basis containing Zinc Pyrithione (ZPT), because the shampoo of this type have the effect of anti-bacteria and fungi that can prevent or reduce the incidence of skin flakes and eliminates dandruff / itchy feeling in the head.
  5. Tips for Eliminating Dandruff one of them also Eliminate stress. Although not the main cause, but stress can trigger dandruff.
  6. Avoid the use of hair oil, gel or hair spray because it can trigger excessive growth of skin fungi.
  7. Limiting foods and beverages that can trigger the growth of skin fungi, such as alcoholic beverages.
  8. Eliminating Dandruff Others use half a cup of coconut milk, pineapple water and a cup of lime juice, blended into one to wash it. After that wash with plain water.
  9. Eat foods that contain vitamin B to maintain healthy hair, such as egg yolks, nuts, seeds and vegetables.

1 comment:

  1. Hey.. These are very nice tips on preventing the Dandruff from the hair to keep the hair healthy which gives us a lot benefits for a major problem now-a-days, Thank you



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