Sunday, May 15, 2011

Common cause of Insomnia

Insomnia is a symptom of sleep disorders in the form of recurrent difficulties to sleep or maintaining sleep, although there is a chance for it. The symptoms are typically followed by functional impairment while awake.

There are many different things that can cause insomnia, ten common causes are as follows should:

1. Sleep patterns are not consistent. For good quality sleep is very important to go to bed and wake up at roughly the same time each day. Many people have a tendency to wake up very late and wake up very late on their days off, this is disturbing normal sleep patterns distinguished.

2. Eating a heavy meal too close to bedtime. Your body needs time to complete the digestion process, and if you are your dinner too close to bedtime you'll have trouble sleeping. While the work schedule sometimes can affect this process, especially those who can work either full-time and working part-time without a break in between, eating late will definitely have a detrimental effect on your ability to fall asleep.

3. Sleep hungry. This is something that many people trying to do, especially when they try to lose weight, and is one of the worst things you can do to the quality of sleep. Many people read the advice from the stars who say they do not eat after 6 pm and think this is the perfect solution. Instead of trying to sleep hungry and could not sleep, try to have a high-energy snacks. Serotonin is believed to be a natural sleep aid and is present in many chocolate products, you do not have to sacrifice your diet but have a small cup of chocolate sugar free pudding or sugar free hot chocolate.

4. Waiting tired may just sleep. Although it seems reasonable to wait until you are tired to go to bed, you are impatient to wait until you're really tired or you'll have trouble sleeping.

5. Too much sleep. This classic can be seen if the kids like to sleep during the day, most of the night insomnia. It can also occur in adults. Our bodies need time to rest. If too long we are in a state of rest, lash nerve to nerve impulse also begin its slow reaction, so that the muscles are also long reaction to motor activity. That could explain why most people sleep even if malas2an. At night they just "heat engine" that actually want to indulge.

6. Smoking. Nicotine in cigarettes is the substance responsible for the occurrence of insomnia in some smokers. Nicotine stimulates the heart beat faster. Faster pulse, because the blood flow to the brain is also filled more quickly. Fatigue / sleepiness disappeared. And the body considers himself still awake / working

7. Excessive caffeine consumption of caffeine has been associated with sleep disorders, including insomnia, because the physiological effects only. Although insomnia can be caused by many other factors such as psychiatric problems,, the stress of drugs or alcohol, lack of exercise, excessive noise or light, and certain physical illnesses, has been found that consumption of caffeine is the most common causes of sleep disorders.

Caffeine is known to directly affect renal function and can also cause kidney infections and / or urinary infection. These infections can also interfere with normal sleep cycles or cause difficulty sleeping. You also may have to get up several times at night to empty your bladder which will cause your REM sleep cycle which in turn will make you feel tired when you wake up in the morning. The main drug for this problem is either to reduce / stop your caffeine consumption. Try switching to decaffeinated drinks other. It would be better to drink a glass of water before bed for a good kidney function.

8. Room temperature / body is too hot or too cold. Body temperature varies between individuals between 97.2 - 100F (36.2-37.8C). Environment, what we eat, how we feel and how active we are all factors that also affect our sleep. There are changes in body temperature during the day with the lowest temperature in the morning.
The hypothalamus in the brain regulate body temperature and blood sent to the skin and the body sweats when it is too hot. Being too hot or too cold at night will stimulate the brain, so it makes sense to try and regulate body temperature for sleep soundly at night.

Too cold will also affect how easily you fall asleep and sleep quality. Light, warm clothes can help you stay warm and can be turned off the lights if you become too hot.

9. The inability to relax after going to bed. Many people bring work problems, or similar problems when she went to sleep. The problems of living, hard love, the future and regret are often taken to bed. This will make your body feel relaxed and started to sleep comfortably. You'd better forget about your life for a moment so that sleep can be quickly started.

10. Lack of exercise. While you do not want to do too much close to bedtime, a little light exercise can actually relax you and help you fall asleep. It can be something light as only take ten or fifteen minute walk outside.

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